Fahrrad: 14 Fahrrad Plural
Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino que lleva los artículos la o una en singular y las o unas en plural.
Fahrrad plural. Declension and plural of fahrrad. The declension of the noun fahrrad is in singular genitive fahrrad e s and in the plural nominative fahrräder. Ugs übertragen bicicleta nf nombre femenino. La mesa una tabla.
Rad drahtesel humorous fietse colloquial. North western germany velo switzerland. Dari wiktionary bahasa indonesia kamus bebas. Add an e this includes most one syllable words.
The voice of fahrrad is neutral and the article das. The noun fahrrad is declined with the declension endings es ä er. Substantive des männlichen geschlechts mann baum. The construction of the plural for feminine nouns is the easiest in german.
The plural for feminine nouns. Endings es ä er plural with umlaut rundes teil mittelalter rundes bauteil das um seine achse rotiert radl fahrrad richtrad wheel bike bicycle cartwheel. Fahrrad fahrrad from the english pushbike nm nomen männlich maskulinum. Fahrrad n genitive fahrrades or fahrrads plural fahrräder bicycle.
Sometimes though you need to add an umlaut as well. In the plural is an umlaut. Loncat ke navigasi loncat ke pencarian.